Wednesday, December 02, 2009

I'm sitting at this table called love

I'm heading home to Alaska in the morning. Home to over three feet (I'm not exaggerating) of snow. Good, but enough already. The dogs are traveling even shorter miles because they're breaking trail. The snow's even too deep for the snow-go, apparently. Rich has been busy shoveling since he got home on Sunday night.
It's always a little nice to come home, I fall back into the same old moods and routines, but I'm really excited to get back. I've been visiting Gran, who's making progress steadily. I did her nails and we did puzzles. I wish I could just pack her up and take her home with me.
I fly out of Syracuse at 6 a.m. and I've picked up a bug somewhere so my 12-hour marathon on many planes is going to suck. Big time. BUT, I'm going home to my Rich and that's all that matters. Oh, and the dogs, of course. Can't wait.
Photos of random trip stuff coming up.

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