Sunday, October 24, 2010

Let's pretend we're in Antarctica

Things are rolling along here. I haven't posted in a while because, well, honestly, I feel like there's not much new to report on. We've been running multiple teams daily to get miles on them because the trails are still a muddy mess. Rich is still working long hours at the winery and we're still trying to get the addition done before winter, which at this rate, is still a while off. The dogs look great and we're all excited for freeze-up. I've taken a part time job with the Katchemak Bay Family Planning Clinic's Outreach Center which I start next week. I'll be helping to educate the public on breast and cervical cancer screening among other things. I'm looking forward to being part of such a worthy cause and such a stand-up organization. I've been doing a little writing on the side and trying to get our little business organized for winter.
That's about it. We're excited for our trip to New York for Thanksgiving.
We're giving the main team a day off today but will run the pups and oldies...I'll take some photos on the run...