(the house as of two days go. Bull with the wedding flowers. And the roof truss with my name on it...I couldn't resist getting a pic of that!)
So, here we are nearing the end of July and summer in Alaska. People around here are getting ready for winter though the weather remains beautiful and warm. Olaf and Cim started putting the roof on this morning after finishing the framing yesterday. Sam and I really appreciate their hard work and attention to detail but we (and by we I mean me) are anxious to move it. Sam seems a little ambivalent towards leaving our little rental cabin, but I know underneath that laid back exterior he's as excited as I. The family starts arriving Monday (gulp) with my parents getting here first, then Sam's mother, then his brother and sister-in-law. My sister will also make the trek North for the first time, even though I lived in Whitehorse for six years. Friends Trisha Testegonad and Graeme McEleran will come up from Whitehorse for the wedding party. The dogs are really great though I had a scare yesterday when Bull took off after a moose and was gone for about half an hour. I let all the dogs loose a few times a day but am nervous because we are close to the road. On the advice of Olaf who said 'if you love 'em, tie 'em up' I might keep them in the pen until we build the big enclosure. They really love running around but if one of them got smucked on the road, I'd never forgive myself. Raven is improving slowly but surely. She nows tries to dry-hump the puppies but her back legs are still weak and she ends up flipping on her back then jumping up and blaming the pups with a growl. It's pretty hilarious. Once the family gets here, we'll all go to Chitna to dip net for salmon. That and a moose we hope to get this fall will fill our freezer for the winter so we don't have to buy any questionable supermarket meat. I've changed the format for comments so that anyone can leave them, not just members of the blog. So feel free, just keep it clean...MARGARET. This is a G-rated blog.
Coolness. Now we can get more pearls from the extended peanut gallery. How long till you get married? Don't forget about the white cake! I let the dogs out running last night and they came back smelling like a serious case of ass.
peace out.
White cake. Right. Maybe they rolled in something Hagen killed last year...
Yeah no kidding. You know how many dead squirrels carcasses I've found around the place? The best was the one that clogged the roof drain and so the ol' landlord had a word with me about putting stuff in the roof / gutters.
I don't know about this grated blog business. You can still delete comments you don't like, right?
Yeah, I guess so. The roof's half on, I think they'll finish it tomorrow. You should check it out this weekend...meet the dogs and all...
G-Rated? You're worried about ME being G-Rated? And you used the word G-rated without several X-rated things coming to mind?
Squirrel in a roof drain. That's a good one. I asked that if Hagen was going to go around shooting squirrels he at least try to make some money of it. Guess he just made smelly messes. What else is new?
PS. Did you know Dillon linked to your blog on his blog? My favorite part is it's listed under "A Girl and Her Dogs; Jill and Sam Harrel."
he he he! You've given up your maiden name.
lets face it, Jill was never a maiden...
All right, all right.... easy girls! Geez. All I have to say is FISH SWEATER! I am keeping my maiden name, Dillon is mistaken. Harrel is a lovely name, but not mine. What about Meg Hegan?
god damn you, rogers
p.s.- i've decided to take Danny's name and shorten it (because i'm opposed sticking innocent children with hypenation, let alone Slessor-Cobb-Crowe)
I will henceforth be referred to as Kelly Sl-obb. I think it has a certain je ne sais quois.
Either that or take my parents family names (Crowe and Rooyakker)and combine them and use it. Kelly Cr-akker. What do you think?
p.p.s. If we ever have a girl, we're going to name her Ima (pernounced eye-ma)...
What's a Hegan? And whose Meg?
Ok. Cr-akker is good. You should go with that one. If Meg aka Margaret aka Margie aka Marg aka ***#*@, combined her and John's names she could be Frieden-Hag. Now that's a name. I could be Rogel. Or Harrers. Hmmm. Those have potential. Or I could use my mum's maiden name Molson and be Molel or Rogelson. Too many choices. Ima is nice but in school she might get 'Ima will do it for a dime-a.' Not nice. Shaneekwa is a better name. Think about it.
I don't know. I think Ima Crakker has a better ring than Shaneekwa Crakker.
HA! I get it. It took a while but I get it! Yes Kel, Ima Crakker does have a certain I don't know what. Beauty.
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