Apparently that's what my sister screamed at her husband when she was giving birth yesterday. That's right, I'm an auntie! Little Jaden Fitzgerald was born at 11:45 am weighing in at six pounds, one ounce. He is several weeks premature and will have to stay in the hospital for a while. Dana was doing well but she's still full of fluid and is having some sort of scan today to see what's going on. She was in labour for three days and it put a lot of stress on her body. My dad says she'll be fine, but I'm on stand-by to fly home to Ontario.
I went to the Denali Highway to run the dogs and it was amazing, but that's a post for tomorrow. Here are some photos of my new nephew taken by my dad...Jaden's GRANDPA!!! Hahahaha!! My dad is a grandpa. Gramps. Pappy. Weird. Of course, my mum is a granny, but she's not as fun to tease as my dad. Plus, she has freakish upper body strength and punches really hard.

Congrats to the new auntie and the new parents! Though the birth didn't sound like too much fun, three days, ugh!
What is it about moms with freakish upper body strength!?!? My mom could bend nails with her bare hands. Man, I sure don't mess with her when I'm near her...
Let's put our mums in a cage match. I bet people would pay to see it. I got $20 on mine! My mum cracks walnuts with her biceps.
Pffft - $20 bucks....
I've got $100 bucks on myself!!
Parking lot - Ivory Jack's 2:00 pm
Be there or be square!
I'll teach Baby Jaden everything I know about boxing. I learned my skills from my own Granny M. She once lifted the back end of a car out of a snowbank.
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