It's different here. In America. That's all I'm saying.
I miss my home and native land.
I miss good beer. And public health care. And Tim Horton's. And hockey-crazed Sens fans. And poutine. And the absence of gun nuts and war mongers. I miss saying toque and having people know what I'm talking about. I miss signs in French. And CBC. DNTO. I miss you Knowlton and Anna Maria! I miss the bumbling Yukon politics and laughing myself to sleep. I miss thinking that ANWR actually has a chance. I miss you, Canada (except Alberta, I don't really miss you.) I'll be home for good some day. Save me a double-double and an apple fritter.
Poutine is good tucka! Have you considered making it yourself? You really don't need a deep fryer for the frites, just skill with a hot plate. Experimenting with the cheese curd toppings is fun too --cheese curds are easy to make, no worries.
Cheese curds? Easy? Do tell.
Ah Tim Hortons.
I missed out on an order of Timbits last weekend. The deliverer ate the bits before they made it across the border. I got a box of Old Dutch Ketchup chips instead. Gotta get a taste of Canada wherever you can find it.
Now there's a proud moment -
Stephen Harper ...... give me a break!
I was kind of just using the photo to make a point...I guess you missed that...
Must be an impersonator.Who'd want to brag about being in the same picture with a duffus. Nice try though.
Canada misses you to Jillian!
What a great Blog!
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