I'm messy and I don't care.
I'm clumsy.
I'm a bad sled driver.
I'm thoughtful.
I love mushing dogs.
Well, the season is winding down and I have mixed feelings. It's all very melancholic. I feel sad that all my new two- and four-legged friends are going to go away sooner rather than later, and in a weird way, I'm actually going to miss the tourists. Some of them, anyway. The summer is over. The leaves are turning, the weather is shit and there's nothing I'm loving more than going to my cabin and curling up by my wood stove after a day of running dogs in the rain.
The dogs are in great shape but are getting bored and therefore starting to fuck off on a regular basis. I've got piles of harnesses to repair (bored dogs equals chewed harnesses) and nothing else to worry about. Not bad.
So, to all the tourists out there who asked insightful questions and offered sincere well-wishes; thank you. To the others, and you know who you are, go back to Texas or Arkansas or wherever the hell you were hatched and never, never return.
I'm looking forward to getting back to Fairbanks, my Sam and my home. I'll give the dogs a few days of loose running before we start fall training in earnest. My first big race will be the Gin Gin 200 at the end of December in Paxson, followed by the Quest 300 in Whitehorse in mid-February. Upon completion of those, I will be qualified (on paper at least) for the 1,000-mile Yukon Quest and/or Iditarod. Yikes.
I have a lot of trips planned for the winter and am looking forward to long runs and solo camping trips with the dogs.
Here are some pics from the past couple of weeks.

Why Sam doesn't kick your whiney, bitchy, and fucked up ass out is a mystery to most of us.
Your fucking dawgs are a nightmare to a green environment, turning everything to mud and filth; dirt everywhere not to mention fleas, ticks and the goddamn filthy smell.
You're a miserable and complaining bitch and can't seem to find a simple beauty in anything. You get paid to do what you claim to love and then bitch and moan about those you are paid to accommodate. Simple questions by tourists you are employed to entertain, and you go ballistic. What's up with that?
Thank the assistant who's taking photos for your site.
Fuck off.
You and your site suck.
I hope you don't listen to the comment above. Whoever wrote that, if they were serious obviously doesn't know you. a)fleas and ticks are not found in Alaska. b)anyone who thinks that dogs smell are not dog lovers. c) your employer is the one deciding where the dogs run and you have no control over the rain. d)thank you for saying the things that all the mushers who have done this before have wanted to say.
Wishing you well Jillian. The finish line is in sight. Only a couple more weeks. We'll try to make it down to skagtown to visit in the next couple weeks.
Tamra and Hugh
I'm submitting your site for "Best Pissed Off Anonymous Idiot Attractor." You have a gift my friend, and I look forward to having a beer with your whiney, bitchy and fucked up ass when you get back into town.
I love how people who HATE your site keep reading it!! haha...
Yeah, dogs are a "nightmare to a green environment" - better to gas up that SUV and drive everywhere instead!
Onto something important - you gonna be at the dog symposium this year? A whack of us Whitehorsians are heading up for it (I'll be there for about 10 days) so we should get together! Tamra - you guys going??
Man, I agree with the above four comments. The first poster is just a troll and an asshole.
Thanks for telling me about your blog--I realize it's a personal diary and you don't know me from Adam, but I will learn a lot by reading it.
Ha ha! Great anonymous comment. Belligerent lunatics are the best. That's when you know you've hit it big.
As Jill said,"You've hit the bigtime baby!"
Keep on writing and mushing!
Oh yeah, tourons suck. They're the type that when they go outside the country are the Ugly American stereotype that the rest of the world laughs at.
As your sister, I have to agree with the whiney and bitchy part but hey we come by it honestly...Your site does not "suck" you are a devoted mother to those dogs and a true leader and role model to those around you.I dont agree with everything you do but I love and respect you none the less. Dont listen to that wanker. Love You even though you are a bitch.
Dana XO
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