Lots of crazy stuff happening 'round here lately. First off, the fire. A week ago today, a downed power line started a fire down East End Road, just a few miles from us. The fire spread quickly through the dry grass and pines and within one day it was over 200 acres. We were on edge at the thought of evacuating our 18 dogs plus Libby's 40. But I had a pressing engagement up in Fairbanks on Thursday, so I took off as we thought the fire was under control. Six hours into my 12 hour drive north, Rich called saying the wind had shifted and picked up and the fire was out of control again. It spread to about 1,000 acres. We both got on the phone, he in Homer and me somewhere near Wasilla on the Parks Highway, and figured out trucks and help should he need to get the dogs out in a hurry. I continued on, got some loose ends tied up in Fairbanks and headed back to Homer on Friday, arriving in the evening to rain and cool temperatures. The fire was partially contained again, and the weather was cooperating. Yesterday they announced the fire was 100 percent contained. And so, life goes on.
On my way back to Homer, I stopped at our old place in Big Lake to visit with Greg and Chris and pick up a couple dogs. Maude and Mr. Lahey are sisters and two of four dogs that Greg is letting us keep and train and race and love. Thanks, Greg! We'll pick up Bubbles and Wayne on our next trip North.
Also while I was in Fairbanks, Rich got bored and picked up my big camera. I only had to explain a couple of things over the phone and he got to shooting. Turns out, he's got a good eye. So, here are some really great photos of the dogs that Rich took while I was away, followed by a couple shots from that first fire night and a bumper sticker I saw in my travels north that made laugh out loud.

This is one of Libby's yearlings. His name is Shaman and his eyes are speckled brown and blue. It's kind of creepy until you meet him. He's a big sweetheart!

This is Shaman with his sisters Feather and Diggity.

Our newest dog Maude.


Our boy Cinch.

Bully. I think Rich really captured his demeanor here. Calm, cool, wise and sometimes pouty...even though he's on the couch!!

I kind of liked this one. It's the fire as we drove by in the truck. Eerie

Smoky haze.

1 comment:
Love the photos! Cinch is quite the charmer. And the bumper sticker-I had to stifle my laugher to keep from waking up hubby!
Thank goodness the fire's under control. Can't wait to hear how training goes!!
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