On Tuesday, Rich and I needed a happy distraction so we took out two teams for a low-key, 12-mile run. Of course, we couldn't catch Roy to tether him before we left, so he came along with us, running at first in front of, then behind, my team. Unfortunately for Roy, he had a sore leg after getting his ass kicked in a dog yard the day before. So about four miles in, he started hobbling along. I wanted to load him in the sled, but I couldn't catch him. He's one sneaky Saluki...or whatever the hell he is. He went the distance however and we got some funny photos of our micro-adventure. I also wanted to say thanks for those who commented on my last post. Your support is very much appreciated.
Here are pics.
DISCLAIMER: These photos suck, but remember, I was taking them from a moving dog sled...

This was at the start of the run. ROY: 'Tra-la-la-la...running along...la la-la...still running...'

Roy slowing down a little.

Seeing how close Richard's team was...they were sneaking up on him...

Too close! Too close! Rich couldn't resist...In case you can't tell, that's Roy's ass and muscley back leg...

I guess I was going too slow. That's Hazel on the left and (yes, it's true!) Strider on the right in lead!
Headed home, still laughing about Roy almost getting run over. Capiche and Sneaky Pete were in lead on my little team.
Your posts bring out the joys of winter and the creative talents of outdoor pursuits.
I luv the photos together with the captions.
Those pics are great! And those are some happy dogs!!!
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