Rich's parents have been here for a week and we've had a great time. They needed to de-stress and simply relax so we hung around Homer and went dogsledding up at our place. The time went too fast as usual and they are heading out today. Thanks for everything Bob and Lou Ann!
I've got some news but I'll wait to share that. Meanwhile, here are a whole lot of photos from the past couple days. We've got some big tours coming up this weekend and we're looking forward to them. The snow is plentiful and the weather has been beautiful. I love spring mushing!

I call this one 'Bob with puppies.' The weather was so warm yesterday, we just sat outside all afternoon.

Bob took this one of Lou Ann during a puppy attack.

Flying puppy! Our puppies are jumping for joy!

Omar cooling off during a run.

Lou driving her mini-team with Lahey and Bully in lead. Bob's close behind with his own team.

Bob working the trail with Capiche and Drake in lead.

Dog butts.

This is my attempt at a Yummy Chummy sponsorship. 'Even sled dogs will do stupid pet tricks for a Yummy Chummy!'

Lou dumped Rich on the trail.

I gave the dogs a break and hooked up Rich. Hup, hup, Rich!

Heelllloooooo....Bob took this cute one of Mr. Lahey.

Bully doesn't need a Yummy Chummy to high five Rich. Bob took this one, too.

Snuggling with Audrey who looks absolutely terrified.
I LOVE the puppy jump!!!!!!!
puppy jump? that thing is AIRBORN!! your dogs (and u) look awesome. i luv stupid doggie tricks.
This is a great set of photos! Such adorable dawgs!
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