I hope everyone had a very merry merry. We had a great Christmas and are now wallowing in turkey satisfaction. On Christmas Eve many friends came over to stand around our bonfire and enjoy homemade treats and spiked cider. It was a lot of fun with around 20 or so people showing up to celebrate. Again, it was an interesting mix of people and I think everyone had a great time. Our friend Bob brought over an eight-foot inflatable Santa, which added a nice amount of creepiness to the party. Christmas morning we rolled out of bed, ate some quiche (which I made, ahem, thank you very much) and unwrapped gifts from each other, friends and my parents. Sam got me a SB 800 digi Nikon flash that I've been eyeing for some time and some mushing clothes to keep me warm. Thoughtful and practical...what a guy.
We got some lovely things and we definitely feel spoiled this year. It's strange though; there were a few gifts that friends had stuck under the tree at the party one of which was a lump of coal in an ammunition box, wrapped in tin foil and masking tape. Very funny but also creepy because we have no idea who left it. We're thinking it was friend Jeff who works on the railroad but we don't know for sure.
I might run dogs today, if not, tomorrow when I will bring the 12 yearlings here to our house. We've gotten a little bit of snow over the past few days and I think it's time to get on the sled.
Anyway, here are some pics from the party and Christmas day.

Chris and Meg...not sure what they're doing with that fork.

The Old Murphy Dome crew sticking together. No wonder they have no other friends...

Sam being shy on Christmas morning.

I see our Christmas card on your stairs! Yipeee! By the way that is hail... We get various forms of ice NEVER snow so.... Santa bought us a new roof this year! All the Best for 2007!
Jeff N Deb
if you had taken gary (gah-ree) home with you like you promised, he would have made a great companion to the eight-foot creepy santa! Oh well – you'll just have to make another trip to get him. I think i can live with that.
You should call your next blog post "The eyes have it"
what a bonfire wish i could have been there.i hope that door was'nt from your outhouse!!it could get very drafty. happy new year.
love gran.
Hi Gran! No, the door wasn't from the outhouse. Hee hee. You're pretty funny! I wish you could've been here too. It wasn't even that cold. Miss you.
How do you eat drink and make merry with that bag on your head Sam!
Sam says it's called marriage. Excuse me while I go sock him in the gut!
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