Down on dry land once again and it is oh, so good. I never thought I'd say this, but it's good to get out of the earlobes are sunburnt!! Ouch. The dogs and I are adjusting well to life on the glacier. I'm loving the tours and have met some amazing people from every corner of the world. I gave a tour to a family from Dubai the other day. Crazy. Lots of Aussies and families from India and all over South America. I usually wind up asking my guests more questions about where they live than they ask about the dogs.
It's been challenging keeping the dogs eyes healthy but I've been very proactive about giving drops and getting the dogs with more sensitive peepers out of the sun. The days are getting busier as the season gets underway and before I know it, it's 10 p.m. and I am more than ready to snuggle into my sleeping bag. Our weatherport tent is cozy with a little propane heater and my sleeping bag is good to 40 below, so even though it dips below freezing at night, I'm usually pretty comfortable at night. We have a chef that cooks all our meals and the food has been spectacular. Too good, even...I eat way too much.
I've been running Nova and Bully in lead with less experienced dogs and so far every dog has been doing a great job. It's nice to have them working in the off-season again.
Here are some photos from around the camp.

Running dogs in paradise.

'Upgrade' wearing a pair of doggles to protect his eyes from the sun. Yes, it's a real thing.

The kitchen tent.

Andy demonstrates our morning ritual: sunscreen and lots of it!

And big sunglasses. Ear protection is also good when the helicopters are in.

Kyle and Alissa discuss the stock market and world events.

The camp from the air.
Oh my gosh - that looks like SO much fun! Did you hear that I'm moving to Kwethluk? (12 miles east of Bethel, as the crow flies) I'm hoping to start my own small team, there. Meanwhile, I still have your ski-joring harness. Should I pass it back to Richard this summer at the winery or can I just buy it off of you? Nali and I love to skijor and plan to be doing more of it in Kweth! I'll be working at the winery this summer - we move out there the end of July.
I love the doggles! Neat.
What a job for the summer, dang you are lucky!
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