So I made it Whitehorse after 12 hours of driving. I stopped only to pee, flip off some pervert who honked at my ass as I was peeing (there are rest stops, but they were locked up for the winter), and get gas (fuel). I did stop briefly in Beaver Creek (I said beaver) and I think I set the world record for shoving a burger down my gullet. Even the waitress was amazed. Well, I had to go, no time to do something silly like...digest! So I got the horse around 9ish at night, said my hellos to Kelly (the skank) and then we were off to find food and/or beer but about half a block from her house, a weird smell started coming from inside the truck. I know what you're all thinking, but no, it wasn't my stanky been-driving-for-12-hours odor. All of a sudden, the cab filled with smoke (and not in a good way) After suffering a mini heart attack, I spun around and parked the big beast (It's a mucho old POS beater pick-up, but it works...scratch that...worked). This morning I dropped it off at my old mechanic's and bing, bang, boom, it's $400 later and not fixed. They needed a part, but managed to jerry-rig it for now, so at least it's not smokin' anymore. I proceeded to visit with all my old cohorts at the Yukon News, had lunch with Trish and Graeme (the friends who are moving to Ghana and the reason for my trip to Whitehorse) went and saw Juliann and her two 20-month-old twins (Laker and Leif) and Tara and her new baby Maddox. Cute babies but I'm still not interested in popping any out...oh let's see...EVER. Tonight it's toboganning at minus 30 (yes, it's cold here too) and then beer with Trish and Graeme. Tomorrow I'm off to Atlin to see two Swiss friends who I worked with in Finland and are now working with a musher in Atlin. (can you say small world?) Anyway, dinner's ready. Here are pics of Shadow th

e cat and Kelly and Danny. Greets to Tracey and Claudia! Oh yeah, and happy thanksgiving to all the 'Mericans reading this. (Canada celebrates it in October)

You're gonna end up hitchhiking home, aren't you? mf
Yes. Yes I am. I told Sam I would send carrier pigeons...I mean carrier ravens to tell him I'm stranded somewhere between Destruction Bay and Beaver Creek. You may never see me again.
hi this is your gran .i read your blog and my word the language is weird. mind you i had to laugh keep it up and don't get frozen with all mushing. give hazel a treat from me . Gran.
Who's speaking to who? Is that Jill posing as Kelly? You poser. I'm confused and high on turkey. Is minus 35 in celsius? I'm confused again. Are you in Candad? huh?
Sorry about that, I'm on Kelly's computer. I'm speaking in Celsius of course. I only speak American to you guys. (I also speak very slowly and use small words so y'all will understand.) Eat some turkey for me! We're having beer for dinner.
Oh ya? B - I - T - E M - E.
And we're having ham by the way. Black Forest, bred and born in Canada at that! For american thanksgiving! Just my way of saying, "Gosh, I kinda miss ya around here in the USA."
cheers. Fahrenheit Fried
Enjoy the ham then.
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