Well, well, well. Ahhh. Where to begin? First off, I made it back home to my man and my dogs relatively unscathed. It was minus 40 when I left Whitehorse and by the time I got to Beaver Creek (four hours up the Alaska Highway) it was minus 45. That's just cold. I had the heat cranked and still had to use chemical heat packs in my boots and gloves to stay warm. I almost finished the 12-hour drive in one shot (which is surprising considering I had very little sleep and was mildly hungover) I got to within an hour of Fairbanks and started to nod off, so I had to pull over. I got home after midnight and after a reunion with the hubby I crashed. Hard. Whitehorse was a really, really great time and I miss it very much, but it was nice to come home. Home to a cozy, warm log cabin and a loving family. Visiting friends and family and mushers took up most of my time whilst in the 'Horse, but the week was centred around Trish and Graeme's going-away party on Saturday night. A skeezy local bar was rented out for the occasion and it was awesome. A few locals meandered in and out but few stayed to par-tae with the 75 or so who were there to see T and G off. It was a cool mix of people and I enjoyed visiting with some I hadn't seen in a long time. Then there was the tequila. Nice. Dancing, live music...the usual. My friends Tara, Kelly and I were a few of the first to arrive and were walking to find a seat when an old Casa Loma(that's the bar) regular grabbed Tara's arm. He motioned to the enlarged photo of Trish and Graeme that was in place for people to sign, and shook his head. 'They're so young,' he said to Tara. She shrugged. 'Yeah, I guess they're young.' The old man looked at the floor and shook his head. Then we realized he thought this was a memorial. Tara laughed. 'They're not dead!' she said. 'They're moving away.' The old man breathed a sigh of relief and proceeded to take a tupperware dish over to the food table and fill it up. Hilarious. The night was a good one and ended around 2:30 with the bartenders stealing our drinks away and telling us to get the hell out.
Anyway, it was a good trip. I brought back the coveted Canadian items requested and will be delivering them today. Mary, expect a box of Crunchies coming your way soon.
So here are a few pics of my trip to Atlin where I was reunited with two mushers who I worked with in Finland and are now over here working with Hans Gatt. Some other random photos including a herd of caribou on the side of the road on my return to Alaska. Also, a few party pics. Sorry kids, no boobs or butts (we are a civilized people) but fun with friends nonetheless.

A herd of caribou near Haines Junction.

Hans Gatt's kennel and home in Atlin.

Me, Kel, Jules and Leighann

Genesee, Sue and me.

Heading into Kluane.

Kelly Slessor-Crowe-corn-on-the-Cobb with Jason (Jules' hubby)

Me and G-Funk. Dude, we're getting the band back together.

I need a sign like this.

Sami, Tina and I. They are Swiss friends now working in Canada. Small world.

Trish and Graeme singing King of the Road at the shindig.
Glad you had a cool time at the memorial - welcome back!
what the heck doyou mean by stoggie.
is that a hot dog or corn on the cob. love to be with you but thats impossible how about an answer to your Gran would love to hear from you.i will check the Blog every day Love Gran.
those are some hot-looking chicks in the bathroom with you.
wish i were there.
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