Bully's back!!! What a relief. This has been an emotionally-draining, sleepless experience and, I know, I know; all over a dog! Well, I got a call this morning from a kind woman named Kate who found Bull wandering around across the road...he was actually following another woman who was walking her dog. Since he didn't have any ID on his collar, Kate took him home. (He, surprisingly, jumped right into her car and tried to sit on her lap while she was driving - as soon as she told me that on the phone, I knew it was him. Not a lot of 65-pound huskies try to be lap dogs.) She called the shelter this morning and sure enough, the people there gave her my number. I went to the shelter yesterday with Sam and even though they weren't open, they let me in to look around and take my info. (I must have looked pretty pathetic with my face pressed against the fence sobbing and calling for Bull.) Sigh. So now the big boy is back, much to the chagrin of Strider and Gus who were subsequently both vying for the alpha-male position. At one point on Saturday, in my saddened and increasingly desperate state, I (only half jokingly) tried to get Ruffles (the 14-year-old, blind, deaf biddy) to pick up Bull's scent off my jacket and 'go get him!' She just followed me around for a while and then flopped on the deck with a grunt. Thanks, Ruffles.
So now I have the task of taking down all the posters (coffee shops, mail boxes, transfer sites, a church) and calling folks to let them know ol' Bully's back. The only solace I found this weekend was the hope that a kind person had picked him up, or that he would turn into the Alaska-version of the Littlest Hobo and travel around the state saving people's lives. I'm sure he's capable of the latter, but I'm glad it was the first scenario. We actually got a lot done around the cabin (the electricity is finished, and we washed all the windows and put the new screens in) just trying to busy our minds with something other than Bully.
Thanks to everyone for the kind sentiments and concern, and in the words of the crazy musher/builder called Olaf: 'If you love 'em, tie 'em up.'


Bull jumped out of Kate's car and acted like nothing had happened. I guess maybe it was little weekend getaway for him. I caught him in a big bear hug anyway.

Spring cleaning. Waiting for Bully's arrival, I started to gather and pack-up all my winter gear and put it away until next season. Unfortunately, I had forgotten about some raw-meat snacks in the dogtruck.

'Blah, blah, blah, have you seen my dog? blah, blah, blah.'
Jill, you had me on the verge of tears! So glad that he's back, they're part of the family!
Yes! Now I can appreciate our butt quarter session with no twinges of sadness. Good job, mama dog. And thanks for the hilarious memories, forever saved on the internet. If I ever run for president, this will be flung right back into my face. Hey, I'd vote for a butt quarter champ, wouldn't you?
Yes, I certainly would. Because, if you can drop a coin into a glass with your cheeks, I mean really, what can't you do? Vote Theresa, champion for the people, champion of the butt coin, in 2012. I know I am.
So glad Bull is back. So glad we could briefly distract you from your grief and worry Saturday with Theresa's WEIRD game, which I was forced to play aginst my will, and only did so to make you happy, Jillian. I will totally vote for Theresa for president. She's smart, sassy, and look at that aim! What a woman. And I think if anything's going to come back and haunt me on this blog, it's that clown-interviewing pic... lib
Hi Jill, you don't know me, I'm Shaun's fiancee, but I read your Blog ALL THE TIME and I'm so glad that Bully's back! I was so upset when I read that he'd run away and I can only imagine what you must have been going through. We think of you and your dogs a lot, glad Bully's rejoined the pack!
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