It's a good thing I haven't lost my flare for the dramatic, eh?
Birthday week is officially over, according to Sam. For me, it's not over until I get my birthday package from my parents which has been en route for six bloody weeks now. Canada/US post sucks. Big time.
Saturday night we had another party, this time we hosted it here at the cabin. About 20 people were here for burgers and salmon, beer and general merriment. Mary made her famous brownies which I tried to bogart but almost lost a hand in the process. Once the tequila came out, I knew it was going to be a good night. Around 10:30, Libby, Theresa, Julie, Mary, Tom and I snuck off to the Howling Dog in Fox for some dancing. Love the Howling Dog. I returned and there was still a few people left though the kegs were long dry.
The Mackeys even made an appearance earlier in the night. Today, Lance (winner of the Yukon Quest and Iditarod) and his wife Tonya and their 'agent' are heading to Hollywood. Yes, the real Hollywood. Lance has been nominated for an ESPY award. ESPN gives out awards to athletes each year and Lance is up for 'best outdoor athlete.' At the party, Tonya showed us pictures of her dress that she'll wear on the red carpet. Besides famous athletes like Tiger Woods, Serena Williams and Paton Manning, the Mackeys will meet the likes of Mark Walberg and Will Ferrell who are nominated for their sports' movies. I wish I could be there to see this lovable yet slightly rootin' tootin' Alaskan musher meet the celebs and be interviewed and photographed by paparazzi. I asked Tonya what Lance would be wearing (I was thinking he ordered some posh suit...Armani, maybe?) and she answered proudly: 'Oh, we found Lance a nice pair of black Dockers.' Love them. Love the Mackeys.
Anyway, it was a fun night with, as always, a very interesting mix of people. Sam and I didn't do much yesterday. We spent a lot of time in bed before friends came over for dinner and then we were back in bed. A perfect Sunday.
I'm going to play disc golf with BFF Richard today before a freelance assignment at 3 p.m. and card night tonight with the fellas.
I'm 30 and I'm fantabulous.
Unfortunately, there were no cameras at the party despite there being several bloggers and several photographers on hand. Here's the best I could find. This was drawn by a little boy from Taiwan, where they don't have copyright laws.

OMG - that illustration is perfect. It's just what your party looked like. Or maybe it was dancing at the Howling Dog. Wait, no, I think it's lacrosse. Is that a Canadian game, eh?
You'll always be the birthday girl to me. Thanks for helping me break my 8pm curfew. It was a blast.
I think it's lacrosse too - look at the net ...and sparklers in their hands to celebrate July 1st, 4th
and 5th. Wow, this kid has multi occasion talent - too cute.
How 'bout a picture Jill of you and Sam in the BG and PB hats? xoxoMere
No, it's not lacrosse. The title was called barbeque party. Those instruments in the people's hands are, you know, cooking things. Unless Theresa was waving a spatula around the dance floor (honestly, I can't remember, were you?)it's a picture of a party. Richard wore the PB hat when we played disc golf yesterday. He was a hit.
So fun... but did I mention how much we missed JOHN AND MARGARET??? Wasn't the same without them. Although, I have to say, the Howling Dog and its personal peep show were well worth the drive...
You didn't really lose any teeth, did you? Don't freak me out like that. Sad that your birthday pkg hasn't arrived yet--too bad you come from a 3rd world country that doesn't have proper postal services. Har. -Lib
So far we have sent through our 3rd world postal service, one set of golf clubs, one table top air hockey game, and one outdoor mechanical moose, many cases of syrup, in addition to the special occasion boxes. It's always the same story....... some joker who hates his job - losing, misplacing or mangling for no good reason, our Jilly's parcels. Mail from England gets here in 5-7 days.
Jill did finallly receive her B'Day Box The party is officially over!
Glad you liked our good taste in gifts, pooky.
Mere and Pere xoxo
Pooky? That's so sweet! Tell us what you got in that package, Pooky - I"m curious. Although if it's an air hockey game, I'm totally getting on the good side of your parents. I would love to get an air hockey game in the mail. mf
Meg, I thought you were on the good side of us already? You may have to cross the border for Air Hockey Night in Canada - I think it's still in Whitehorse - ask pooky. Or you could come visit us in Ontario - we have one at home too. Nothing like "The Good 'Ol Hockey Game". It's the game of choice in this 3rd world country - right Jill?
Sorry Libby
i luv u jil, always & forever, packages and all! --lib
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