Sam and I booked this week off to float the Gulkana River, but we decided that we've had a lot of camping, paddling fun already this summer, so we're staying at home to work on the new dog yard. A big fenced commune where the dogs can run free was the original plan, but since we're on permafrost, the estimate we got for a guy to come in with a piledriver and pound posts was $150 per post. We need 60 posts. That's $9,000 just for the posts alone. Yeah. We weren't prepared for that, so Sam and I are going to clean up the yard, make it bigger and fix the outbound trail, which was too bumpy for me to use last winter. We'll see how long that takes and decide what to do from there. This weekend we'll take the canoe to float the Chatanika River to check out the moose stand for our September hunting trip. Before that, though, we're going to see Cake at the Blue Loon on Friday night. I'm thinking I'll wear my short skirt and a long jacket. Anyway, back to work.

Thanks for the hospitality and great week of partying Jill- oh and for not lifting my skirt the other direction...;) Lis
Sorry to miss the fun. May I never again miss RibFest. I drove by at around 1:30 am... and thought about stopping... should've? Hope to see you soon, Lib
Look like fun. I was not invited?
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