Spent a bit of time with pa up at the sugar farm today. Here are some pics from the adventure. I'm heading to Kingston tomorrow to get my rental car fixed. I guess I should elaborate. Ok, here goes: Once upon a time, as in this morning, I was backing out of the driveway when my mother poked her head out the front door to yell at me not hit her car...which I had full intentions of doing because there's nothing I love more than a rousing game of smash-up derby first thing in the morning...so I turned wide in order to miss her car, which I was actually nowhere near, and backed into a tree. Dents and a broken tail light, nothing major. Dana, my sister, has a new man who's a car guy and he's offered to fix it so here I go. I might just buy some ketchup chips and boyfriend trousers while I'm there...if I'm feeling crazy enough.
I head home soon and will go back to minus 30 degree temps.

The sugar shack and buddy.

The way we used to roll, with metal spiles and buckets to collect the sap from the maple trees.

These days, blue pipeline snakes through the property. Plastic spiles are used and two pump houses propel the sap from the lines to the shack where it sits in stainless steel holding tanks until it gets boiled. It takes 20 litres of sap to make one of syrup. Our sap is four percent sugar.

My dad doing something important I'm sure.

Fresh syrup being filtered before its final destination....

Just kidding...

That's a mighty big trunk you have.

We like to name things after ourselves 'round here...
gawd, I'm jonesin' for some flapjacks now.
Can't wait to have you back in Squarebanks, even though it's cold enough to freeze grown men's twigs n berries.
Come home soon 'K? And leave your crappy driving there. Just kidding. I'll take you out for a double-double at Coffee Roasters to ease your transition back here. -lc
Check out the recorder and times...
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