I bumped up the dogs' miles today. Sam came along armed with his shiny, new GPS and to my surprise I hadn't been going nearly as far as I thought I was. I was disappointed as I thought I was going eight miles but was actually only doing just over four. Oops. So I doubled their miles today to eight and they handled it like champions. I'm amazed every single time by the pups' (Sneaky Pete and Parker, who are actually almost two but still pups to me.) tenacity. They are maniacs in and out of harness. Sneaky Pete has been in lead several times with Capiche and he's super. Today, we had a random loose dog on the trail and a man and child to contend with. 'On by!' And on by they went. Perfect. I'm really pleased with the team's progress and am getting excited for my first race in December. It's only a 20-miler at the Alaska Dog Mushers Association track, but I did it last year and it was loads of fun and great experience for the dogs. Happy and Sally have hit the ground running and are fitting in well with the team. Hazel and Hitchcock are spitfires for sure and Strider, well, Strider's Strider. My little space cadet. Bully's been great in lead but he gets tired pretty quickly. Sister is my constant. She never gets too excited, but she's always pulling. Over all, their tugs were tight for the duration of the run and tails were wagging at the end...you can't ask for much more than that.

Hooking up.

Taking a break.
Saw the dreads article! I'm famous! Now where's my beaded thingie? LOL.
THat is totally enough snow for the sled!!!! :)
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