Strider took the longest pee ever this morning. He popped out of his house, scurried around the pen, cocked his leg and let 'er rip. He peed for, like, 40 seconds. He must have held it all night. That's my dawg! He's got a bladder the size of a bowling ball and a brain the size of a pea. My little space cadet. He's got big, brown, doe eyes that, despite him being five, makes him look like a puppy. He's in the pen with the young ones and is a pretty good babysitter, although he likes to pick on Sneaky Pete quite a bit.
Rich and I are taking the sleds out today. We got a tiny bit of snow last night which might help the bumpiness of the trails. A friend of ours suggested we throw marshmellows into the fire to make it snow. I ask that you, my fine readers, do the same for snow in Alaska! Gran, that means you too. Just tell the nurses you need a marshmellow and a lighter and to not ask any questions...
I'm covering the Top of the World Classic basketball tournament until Sunday for the Associated Press. Seven NCAA Division 1 teams are here for this annual tourney. It started last night and went well. My photos from the first game were mediocre but I got a couple stellar action shots in the second game. There are two games tonight, four on Saturday and four on Sunday. Busy, busy.
Here are a couple pics from the game.
I'd like to give a shout to Maddy in West Virgina. Shout! I love getting new readers from far flung places.

Matias, left, and Adam, sports guys at the News-Miner, hard at work during the second game: Oregon State v Colorado State.

John Wager, staff photographer at the News-Miner. I had to make fun of his kneepads and cowboy boots (sounds like a good Saturday night, eh Nancy?) but I didn't have kneepads and guess who was sore at the end of the night...

Ouch. Why are you hitting yourself? Stop hitting yourself. This is one I sent to the wire.
1 comment:
Wow, on my computer screen it looks Matias and Adam are dressed alike. I might need to adjust my computer screen. John has too much stuff. The fanny pack back pack combo is a little over the top. I can see the knee pads though, the floors of the Carlson Center are especially brutal.
The TOWC is a hoot to shoot. I kinda miss shooting it. Oh well, I made it to the last 10 years of the TOWC maybe that is enough.
Good shooting to yuh!
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