So last night there was a commotion in the dog yard. It was a peculiar cacophony of barks. It was the alarm bark mixed with a more aggressive "We're-going-to-kill-you" bark. At first I thought they had Ruffles but when I flicked on the yard light, I saw what they were barking at. A puppy. Not Roy, either. A new puppy. Or at least I thought it was a puppy. It turns out this strange dog that appeared last night is a Puggle. A cross between a pug and a beagle. She looks about a year or two old, is very small and friendly, and after several tries, it was Sam that finally caught her. I've named her Marcy, but we're not keeping her. She belongs to someone as she's got good weight on her and is a wearing a collar. She slept with me last night and is house trained, quiet and fearless. She ran through the dog yard and nobody attacked her. Roy keeps trying to bite her butt, but she snarls and sends him whimpering away. Anyway, I'm going to the pound to see if anyone has come looking for her yet. I don't want to turn her in yet as it's $100 to bail a dog out and so I'd rather find the owners. But if doesn't happen in the next day or two, I'll send her to the clink. Sam pretends he doesn't like her, but I think he does.

We need another couch...

A face only a mother could love...
that pup is darn adorable
Hey girl,
Glad the no smokin' is going well. I'm really proud of you. I hope to see you before you head out... I am in Anchorage airport catching up on life & will be back in Fbx late Sat night/early Sun a-m. Can't wait to see you. Let's go for walks. No ciggies needed on walks.
Ooooooh! What a cutie!!
Hi Jill thats a face only a grandma would love but I think it"s so cute, I would be tempted to keep her but your couch is very crowded.Here you are coming this way soon hope to see you if you have the time. Love Gran & Inger
I think that is actually a canine/Yoda cross.
Did you ever find the dog's owner?
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