So yesterday I helped out Gwen and the first-ever Renewable Energy Fair at Chena Hot Springs. The weather was crap but there was a great turnout considering the rain and the fact that it was an hour ou

My friend Kelly the Crowe from Whitehorse got married this weekend. She got hitched. She tied the knot. She's got (or has become) the ol' ball and chain. I'd put a picture of the wedding on the blog, but I fear a letter bomb from Whitehorse would follow. Can I say bomb on the blog? This person who lives here got her blog flagged for cursing too much and when her boyfriend tried to access it at a public library from down south, he couldn't. A message came up that said the site was too explicit, or something like that. I wonder if my blog is flagged? For what, I don't know.
The cabin is coming along. Unfortunately we have water coming in along the beams that join the upstairs balcony to the house. Believe me, I already had a little meltdown when I went to prepare the logs for treatment and saw the water. But, it's not much and it's an easy fix. Tom and I worked for 14 hours on Saturday cleaning the logs and getting the first coat on the upstairs. That's the first of three coats and now I'm doing it alone, so it's going to take FOREVER. I'm hiring someone to do the downstairs because painting the walls, ceilings and floors WITH A FOAM BRUSH (to avoid the bubbles a roller would create) will take a lifetime. So Painter Pete will come this week with his skookum spray gun and blast the inside of the cabin. I'll finish the upstairs however, so that should keep me busy for a few days.
I hope. That's the plan, anyway.
The dogs are good. Here are some pics of Sister. She likes to beat up my boys. Sh

Here's Sister licking her chops after taking a big bite outta Bully's

This is Daphney (and Bull, he's such a camera hog). Daphney is one of the rescued dogs.
Guess what, I may have a home for daphney, we'll see, just got a nibble today and so cross everything!!!
I thought your ex boss was taking both of them. It would be cool if they could stay together. What happened?
Oh okay, I'll keep looking. Yeah, they're still mulling but I think they're trying hard to talk themselves out of it. They did drop by to see them though. Maybe I'll see if they want to watch them this weekend or something like that to push them over the edge...
Isn't there a post missing? It was there last night. You know, the one about Uncle Ted and his grand scheme for renewable energy. Creepy how things disapear off this blog. Someone is watching.
scratch that, may have a home for both dogs (one person, too). Kristie came over today and loves them both. I'll put her in touch with you because she had a couple questions about shots and stuff since she'd be taking them south through Canada for a couple months this fall (though coming back north again, too). She likes them both though and will probably stop by a couple more times this week. The ladies are doing better. Moreei (sp) is perkier and Daphney has been her normal goofy self today. I'm going to hang out in a chair with them tonight for a couple hours. catch you later
Yeah! Daphney and Marais are both up to date on all shots as far as I know, but I'll have to double check. Kristie might want to take them to a vet for a tuneup although they seem to be healthy. Just skinny. Tell her to phone me any time. Thanks Bob, you're on my Christmas card list for sure.
Cool! Yeah, I'll have her call you. It's not settled and I sent another email to Elizabeth to check with her about it but hopefully...
They continue to improve mentally. Their progress is visible each day bit by bit. More confidence and stuff, too. Pretty exciting. Well, I'll keep you posted.
I would take fondue from the fundue pot over a christmas card anyday though...
Isn't mulling something that apples do?
I assume 'midwest monstaz' means a pack of dimwits. How's the chicken hunt going? Charming.
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