Well, the box was heavier because there was dried up play-dough in there. When they opened the board they were flabbergasted to see that some Jesus freak had whited out all the property names and prices and replaced them with biblical names. For example, there are disciple names, and places where Jesus preached or built bookshelves...whatever he did. Here are some choice examples: 'Peter denied Jesus three times, pay $10' and 'You gave a sacrifice to God, collect $50' and 'Camel Services.' Oh man, it is HIL-AR-I-OUS. Where it says 'Go To Jail,' it's been changed to 'Go To Heaven' and they drew a halo and wings on the cop. I have to stop typing to laugh...just wait....
Ok. There's 'Sabbath Day, lose a turn' and 'Galilee, $500' (that and Bethlehem are the most expensive, though Bethlehem edges out Galilee by $50.' I mean, this is creepy and all but isn't it a little sacrilegious?
Here are the creepy pictures. Peace be with you all.

What a blessed game. Make copies and sell them up and down the bible belt.
You Heathen
I know, right? I think this could be a big seller. It would need some tweaking, though. Judas totally got the shaft. He's only worth $100 in this version. Although didn't he betray Jesus? Maybe I did retain something I was told in Catechism. Look how handy it's coming in now. Now I have an urge to listen to Judas Priest and eat pancakes.
I really was in the mood for Monopoly. Gosh Darnit. I forget, is the internet like the radio? Can I swear on the internet.
Too funny - although not to mock monopoly in any version.... this could be a setup. E-mail George W and let him know there are games of mass destruction on the loose!! Recall all playdough!
Jesus didn't build bookshelves. He turned water into wine. Now THAT is a talent.
Christianity and capitlism go hand in hand. Just watch the Trinity Broadcasting Channel when your bored, depressed and feel like you need some religion. Oh yeah, and a good laugh.
Water into wine, eh? Well. I've turned wine (beer, vodka, tequila) into many things the day after, but we won't go there....
John, if you can put a picture of boobies on my cell phone, I'm pretty sure you can swear on the internet...just not on my blog...unless it's blasphemy, then I don't give a good goddamn.*
*see above reference by D&N
Please post a list of swear words that are unacceptable on your blog so we may avoid the effing things in the future.
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