We have a new couch-hogging addition to our brood. Yesterday morning Sam heard a commotion in the woods in the lower dog yard. Sally and Happy were going bonkers as were the dogs up by the house. Upon further investigation, Sam found a sickly, skinny, stinky puppy nestled in the brush. He gathered up the little bundle of bones and brought him in the house. The pup looks like a husky puppy, although it's a little hard to tell. What is apparent, is that this little boy has not eaten in weeks. He's friendly and has taken to the couch like a champ. We've been giving him small doses of rice and chicken, a bland meal that won't upset his empty tummy. I think we've decided to keep him. What's one more, right? I was at the b-ball tourney all day yesterday so I was getting updates via email and short phone conversations.
'What's the puppy doing now?'
'What's the puppy doing now?'
'He pooped on the floor.'
And so on, for the 10 hours I was covering the games.
Sam and I took turns sleeping with him on the couch last night as he's very vocal when left alone. Poor little dove. I put a note on the ADMA list serve, but don't have high hopes that he'll be claimed. It's pretty obvious he was abandoned.
Anyway, more basketball for me today, so I must go.
Sam, the puppy saver, is staying home with the stinky little fart today. Oh yeah, he had rolled around in something dead and gave off the most foul odor. Sam gave him a bath with Dr. Bronner's shampoo...but now he just smells like peppermint and dead animal.
Lastly, we're still trying to agree on a name. Please send ideas. The winner of the name-the-puppy contest gets a free puppy.

Poor little guy. He eats like a piggy and wags his tail furiously while scarfing down his chow. He already looks a little fatter this morning.

Hmmm. Is it possible the pup and Bull are related? They did this on their own, I swear.

The couch potatoes. We were hoping Ruffles would mother him a little more, but she just tries to sit on him. Bull's pretty indifferent.
Stinky sounds good.
Couch-hugger (instead of tree-hugger)
Lucky (as in lucky to be alive)
Rufus (It's a long story involving a rescued kitten)
Potato (as in couch-potato)
Ooo, I like Rufus. I was also thinking Oscar, as in Oscar the grouch...who lived in a garbage can and more than likely stunk. Also, I'm an Oscar Wilde fan.
He looks like he's pretty damn stoked to be with you guys - I'm very glad you found him and are nursing him back to health.
My nominations are for:
Mojo (for magic)
Attila (for power)
or Wino (for good times)
Nice choices, Brittany. I like them all, actually.
LeDeux, Ponyboy, Beefy, Stinky Maximus III, Herpe, Dermot, Vladi, Arthur, King of Moes; Joe Momma
These are the suggestions Adam and I have come up with so far...
Justin Matisse. If he starts to smell again you can be like, "You stink Justin Matisse."
God I love Hope Floats.
He came around while you were covering basketball, how about a university mascot. Beaver, Zip or Jaguar are my votes.
Dexter, Magnar, Ragnar, Ducky, Muinsch, Niilo, Urtas, Lummel, Gestank, Puzzo, βρωμήστε, Hedor...some of these words are translations of the word 'stink' into different languages. The weird looking one is Greek for stink...
Adam's a loser.
Hagen, good call on Justin Matisse!
Mere picks "Magic", because just like magic, he has a loving home, great dog company and forever friends.
JH, I agree, Hope Floats..... the best!
(here's another Jill.... Wild Oscar)
He looks like Bull's younger doppleganger. But I guess that's a long name for a little pup. You could name him Spitfire. That way if he doesn't turn out to be good in the harness, he has something to fall back on; being your mascot. mf
Good one, Meg. The more I look at him, the more I think he's some sort of Masstif mix. He's sticks to Sam like a dingleberry on a bum and whines like mad when Sam's not in sight. Sam's lovin' it. It's actually quite adorable.
Sam? A puppies Mom? Smom? Spam? That might be going too far.
The vision of Sam hanging around with Justin Matisse is just precious. The only problem is that the Sam I can picture at the moment is the brace-smiling high school portrait version.
Aw, cute pup. I'd keep him too! Damn they're hard to resist.
Call him L.B.
(Justin) Matisse has a ring to it.
So does Spitfire though.
Does "Smom" ever get to name one of the dogs?
The dogs have names when I get them. I did name Sneaky Pete and Parker, however. And I named Hazel the first summer I worked for Windy Creek, but that was before Sam and it's a coincidence that I now own her. Since Sam found this dog, we've comprised on a name. If I were to buy a sled dog puppy, then no, he wouldn't get to name it.I'm the one that has to call the dog's name on the trail. By the way, the new pup's name is Chance.
Erik - a good strong name for a little Alaskan Viking.
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