Well, I arrived in Circle City unscathed. The Quest is actually more than half over and moving FAST. Lance Mackey is on pace to shatter the record of 10 days, 16 hours, 20 minutes. Tomorrow morning I have my first live hit with CBC. I was thinking that it would be funny, since it's live, to launch into my report and then say 'oh wait, can we start over?' Libby advised me not to do it. It's been so fun reunited with all my little Quest friends. I love covering the race. Right now Libby and I have hijacked the principal's office at the Circle school and are typing away. She's been really helpful with my radio voice. We've been giggling none stop. Where's Trisha and her pocket full of meat sticks and chocolate? Oh, the Quest. Love it. I had some great interviews as soon as I got here and am now taking a break from transcibing. It's 45 below. Hans Gatt is trying to make a move but unless Mackey goes over a cliff or something, he's got a six hour lead and will win for the third year in a row. He's on course to break the record by 20 hours. crazy. I'm going to dare John to chug a quart of half 'n' half for five bucks.
Here are a couple pics from the Circle checkpoint. The frosty chick is William Kleedehn's handler Miriam (standing around outside at 40 below does this to your face) and the dog is Gerry Willomitzer's named Joseph eating some salmon. Peace

A hero's welcome once again for Lance back home. Super!!
Oh boy. I don't know if that's a good bet for John to take. We can always use $5, but he's got a bit of a dairy problem. mf
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