Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, we have a sauna!!! Yes, that's right. We scored a cute little wood sauna for free! Ahhh, memories of Finland come flooding back. It took a full day, and it's still on the trailer in our driveway, but we have a sauna! I am so stoked! (pun intended) Here's a couple of pics with more to come. I have to go run the dogs...and then maybe I'll come home and take, oh I don't know, a sauna!

Nice sauna.....
no "necked" pictures please.....
ha ha
Very nice!
That thing looks familiar. It's not from a little place on Iniakuk, is it? MF
What the heck.... isn't that my old sauna? I had some good times in that thing. I think that is one of the most well traveled saunas that I know of.
Just make sure you put an Alaska Flag on the front of it.
Actually it was Pat Gateke's sauna and she offered it to us if we cleaned all the trash from the property before the new people moved in. All the crap that had piled up over the years was a little overwhelming, but it was totally worth it.
It would have been a good deal if you just got the stove out of the thing. That stove was pretty bad ass. That thing kicked out the heat. Lots a heat with a little wood.
Where on the property is that thing gonna live?
I'm so happy to see my little sauna back in action, she was neglected for far too long. Nice job moving her!
I know, isn't it crazy? We almost hit the wires above the cabin and Sam knocked off the little candle lantern but that was it! Amazing.
Hm-m-m- looks like our long lost ice fishing shack from Ontario.
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