The above was said by Johnson, who wasn't even trying to stifle his laughter, after I tripped over a web of logs in the driveway. It actually really hurt. But we got a whole heap of firewood cut up to surprise Sam who is away in Chalkyitsik covering the funeral and potlatch for a Native elder who died recently. I hooked up Gus and Bully to a log, you know, just for kicks to see if it would make hauling logs out of the woods any easier. It didn't, but was totally entertaining. Especially because Johnson pretty much had to carry the logs behind the dogs and when he put it down, Bully would turn around and give him a look until Johnson helped out again. Gus pretty much just peed on the logs, looked at me like 'yeah, right' and then took off as soon as I unhooked him. He got moved to chainsaw duty. (see photo below)
Anyway, it was good afternoon of me falling, wielding a chainsaw and stacking firewood with Johnson. I was going to run the dogs again today and try a two-on-one-off schedule, but a couple of the dogs are sore from yesterday's run so I'll give them a day off. I realized it's too early in the season to push them. I want this to be fun for everyone. Gus wasn't having fun with the team anymore because he has arthritis in both his wrists, so he's pretty much a free-range dog now. I'll try skijoring with him later in the winter but nothing too strenuous. I'd like him to be an indoor dog but he still pees on everything. ...I swear to god, as I was typing this I just heard a huge crash was Gus...he knocked over the goody box where I keep the dog biscuits...
Anyway, I've got one day to write a massive feature, so I better stop procrastinating....maybe I'll do the dishes first...

Bully pulling a rather small log up the hill to the driveway. Notice Johnson's foot...

Is that a smile?

Gus got demoted from log puller to sulky chainsawer...a second after I took this picture, he ran off with Johnson's ear protection on. Funny, funny stuff.
Smile and the world smiles with you. What a great picture.
I tried putting mine to good use by pulling logs once and pretty much had the same response. Now the chain-sawing dog!! That's one I didn't think of! :)
Yeah, he didn't do that well on chainsaw duty either. Now he's the official pee-er on all things pee on-able. It was freaking hilarious when he ran away with the earphones on...Johnson was calling him back but he was like 'I can't hear you...' And he couldn't! hahaha!
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